Key and Peele

Keegan Michael Key and Jordan of Mad TV have incredible and roaring success in their 3rd season of their show Key and Peele. The show has been renewed for a 4th season next year. What makes them so successful is to address the socico-econmic, cultural differences between minorties and caucasians in American without being offensive. Also, they highlight and parody popular trends in America's culture, filled with social media, and television. As a young African American and Hispanic, I can resonate with the issues Key and Peele are adressing , topics that stress me daily but finding no means of expressing them. Also, Key and Peele seem to have a universal appeal by not playing stereotupical African-American roles, something I havent seen in a comedy show since The Chapelle Show , nearly 10 years ago. I highly recommend that you all watch this hilarious show Weds. on Comedy Central at 10:30pm ET/7:30pm PT

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