Tapia Documentary on HBO
In a recent documentary from HBO Sports, chronicles the story of former boxing great Johnny Tapia. Tapia was notoriously known for his wild fighting style in the 90s and drug problems with cociane and being arrested and imprisoned for it. However, this documentary shows Tapia's perspective among all of the controversy. Born and raised in Alberquere, New Mexico, raised by a single mother and grandparents until when Tapia was 8 yr old, his mother was brutally murdered by being stabbed 22 times and possibly raped. Tapia would a later find out the killer who was linked to his mother's death was her boyfriend and his associates at the time. Yet, this scarred Tapia throughout his life, which lead to bad decisions growing up, involving gangs and heavy cocaine usage, However, Tapia found hope through boxing and began training and it served as physical and physcologial therapy for him, based on his past. Tapia was talented and in the 1990s, Tapai had won titles in the Supeflyweight, Fl...