King James Heads Back Home

It looks like LeBron James has made his decision and decided that there is "no place like home" and decided to sign with the Cleveland Cavaliers. James broke the news today with Sports Illustrated and saying " I'm coming home. ", and his sentiments about leaving the Miami Heat and returning back to his hometown team and fans of Cleveland. "When I left Cleveland, I was on a mission. I was seeking championships . We won two. But Miami already knew that feeling. Our city hasn't had that feeling in a long, long, time...My goal is to win as many titles as possible, no question. But what is most important to me is bringing one trophy back to Northeast Ohio." He told this in his interview with Sports Illustrated and also talked about the controversy with Cavs owner Dan Gilbert, and 4 years ago, when James announced he was leaving the Cavaliers, to play for the Heat with Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade  on live television and not disclosing this information to Gilbert prior. However, the two met up again when James viisted Cleveland again for a potential singing meeting and talked in James words "man-to-man" and apologized to one another for wishing ill will on one another. Gilbert trashing James on the Cavs website and how we will never be embraced in Cleveland and never win a championship, but we all know he was wrong . As for James, he resented Gilbert for trashing him and not wanting to play for an owner like him again. But, father time makes us all mature and James said in his SI interview that his time in Miami , was like "going to college" and maturing and becoming more of a man.  But as for Miami, they were disappointed with James not re-signing with the team, but President Pat Riley and Owner Mickey Areson "wish the best of luck to LeBron James" and praise his character on and off the court. LeBron also addressed that his relationship with former teammates Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade is a brotherhood and what they have done together will never be taken away.  LeBron will now face the challenge of bringing his home squad back to the NBA Finals like he did in 2007, against ironically, The San Antonio Spurs. James has the help of players Kryie Irving, Andrew Wiggins and Anderson Verajo. I have no doubt that LeBron will lead his team to victory and put Cleveland back on top again in the Eastern Conference.  

For more information on LeBron's decison , check out 

We shall now see what NBA star Carmelo Anthony does in his free agency plans. 


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