St. Vincent Movie Review

The movie, St. Vincent, starring Bill Murray, Naomi Watts and Melissa McCarthy entails the story of Vincent an elderly man who is quite disgruntled with the world and receives new neighbors (McCarthy) and a little boy Oliver, played by Jaden Leiberher. McCarthy's character is a single mom , with Oliver and is busy working as a nurse, leaving her son Oliver, unattended afterschool. So, she asks that Oliver be watched by Vincent ( Murray) and be paid as a sitter. A newfound relationship forms between Oliver and Vincent, serving as father-son relationship, with Vincent teaching Oliver how to be a man, stand up for himself, be confident. In turn, Oliver teaches Vincent how to be compassionate and polite to those around him in his community.  As for Naomi Watts character, she plays a pregnant Russian prostitute who forms a friendship with Vincent and they have somewhat of a romance going on simultaneously. So, all of these characters seem to disfuctionally blend together in the film and give a realistic perspective. My rating for this film is a 8/10 and you can watch it in theaters now . 

For more info., check out St. Vincent 


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