Daniel Tosh Gets Back at ESPN with a Vengeance

For those of you, that watched the Comedy Central show, starring comedian Daniel Tosh, it is a show that parodies and mocks what's going on in today's pop culture, from celebrities and athletes and people on the internet. Tosh has a segment called, Web Redemption, where he interviews a person who has gone viral on the internet with a "fail" video and gives them an opportunity to redeem themselves by doing their stunt or trick correctly on his show.  ESPN came out with a segment called Awesome Videos and they copied the exact same format for the segment. They interviewed the failed person and gave them an opportunity to redeem themselves.  Tosh, was displeased and outraged that ESPN stole an idea from him that hes been doing for years on his show. Well, that's show business for you, it's not about who does it first, but who does it the latest.  So, Tosh parodied one ESPN's show's Sports Science and called it Sports Science. 0.  Take a look for yourselves.

Tosh comes back and claims what's his!!

Tosh 2, ESPN 1.

Your move, ESPN!


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