HBO's Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel August 19th Episode

On this episode of Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, Gumbel and his staff interview Philadelphia Eagles' long snapper John Dorenbos and his wonderful skills with magic. It was magic that saved Dorenbos life, when his father murdered his mother at 12 years old and his life would never be the same. Magic served as the coping mechanism to combat the traumatic psychological and emotional damage it had in his life and still today. Also, Gumbel and his crew interview skateboarding pioneer , Rob Dyrdek and his rise to fame from skating illegally, to reality TV shows on MTV and creating a professional street league, while venturing off into skate merchandising and entrepreneurship.  And lastly, Gumbel takes a look at how the tragic story of two NFL players where shipwrecked while fishing in Tampa Bay , 5 years ago. Only one survivor remained , named Nick Shuyler and how he witnessed the loss of his friends at sea and nearly dying of hypothermia in the process.  This was  a great episode and I highly reccomend that everyone who has HBO watches it. It truly brings perspective into your life, as the show does monthly for me.  Keep up the great work Real Sports!

One Love.

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