The Amazing Spiderman 2 Review

I watched the much anticipated Amazing Spiderman 2 with Andrew Garfield as Spiderman, Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy and the villian Electro, played by Jamie Foxx and Paul Giamatti as The Rhino. However, this movie sucked ass. It starts off with Peter Parker doing his spiderly duties , while meanwhile , he's running late for his own highschool graduation. He makes it and his identity is saved and makes out with his valedictorian girlfriend Gwen Stacy. If that is isn't cliche , then I do not know what is. Yet, trouble arises because Peter is reluctant about their future together as a couple because most of his time is occupied as a masked vigilante in red and blue spandex , saving New York City. So, he breaks up with her and she gets all emotional and stuff. Then, as the movie goes along, it introduces Jamie Foxx's character , who is an engineer as Oscorp, run by Mr.Oscorp , who is dying and his son, Harry, comes in to salvage the company , and lead it into a new direction. 
           So, getting back to Foxx's character, he plays a nerdy 40 year old virgin type , scientist who accidently runs into Spiderman, while carrying blueprints for Oscorp's next project. Then, he gets immeadiately obsessed and wants everyone in the office to know that he is somewhat famous because he met Spiderman. So, how Foxx's character becomes Electro, he is working the late-shift at Oscorp with a bunch of electrical wiring and pools of electric eels. He sees a loose wire , slips and falls into the pool of electric eels , with the wire inside of his hands , so he gets shocked and his whole DNA is altered into this electric man.  So, isn't the nice guy anymore.   
           Now, lets get back to the Biritsh-born Andrew Garfield or New York's spiderman. He breaks up with his girl, but he stalks her all the time , from afar as Spiderman. Then , he and her meet up and get back together. Meanwhile, Electro storms New York and tries to kill Spiderman and destroy Oscorp for treating him like a nerdy puppet for all those years.  But, Harry Oscrop, and old friend of Peter's , and Oscorp's new leader , makes a deal with Electro get Spiderman because he is dying from the illness his father had , wants Spidey's DNA. So, he tries a bad sample of spider DNA  and turns into a bad guy, face off with Spidey and lose , but in the process Gwen followed Peter, and she dies because Electro spotted her and used her as bait to get him.  So, then Peter grieves and stays in seclusion for a while, then the Rhino a new villian (Paul Giamatti) comes in and tries to take over the city of New York. Spiderman suits up and the movie is over , implying he will beat The Rhino up.  The action in the movie was good, but the plot was all over the place and the original Spiderman series with Tobey Macguire , James Franco and Kirsten Dunst were way better, just saying.  Rating : 6/10 . I hope the Amazing Spiderman 3 will be "amazing".   

Spidey just doesn't have that it-factor. They need to get rid of Garfield because he is not believable as Spiderman. He's not even American. The casting in general was all off, Jamie Foxx's Electro sucked too. Foxx is too funny to be playing the villian. I know as an actor , one tries to broden their horizons and look for more variety in their roles, but stick to what your'e good at, COMEDY!!  That's all I have to say for Spiderman, you can check Flixter for the rotten tomato rating it recieved and rightfully so.  Bye, Bye Spidey!  


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