Kobe Bryant's Muse on Showtime

If you haven't had the opportunity to watch the latest documentary on NBA star Kobe Bryant, check it out on Showtime now. The newest documentary shows Los Angeles Laker star Kobe Bryant and chronicling the success and failures of his NBA career, from winning 3 consecutive championships in the early 2000s, the infamous rape charge against him in the media and in the courts. That could have completely derailed his career and we would not see the Kobe we see today probably in the league and in the media spotlight. Also, the documentary entails the recent injuries Bryant has faced over the last 2 and a half years, from tearing his Achilles, knee fractures and about a month a half ago, tearing his rota-tor cuff in his shoulder. This left Bryant out for the season again this year, leaving him to rehab for about the next 9-10 months.  Bryant only has 1 year left on his expensive , 50 million dollar contract with the Lakers and the the question now looms at 36, going on 37, will Bryant be the same player again he once was and should we just retire?? However, Bryant has made it clear that he will rehab his injuries and return to the Lakers next year and not retiring yet.

Overall, everyone should check out the documentary , "Kobe Bryant's Muse", on Showtime now! It is a great watch.

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