The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises was a tremendous movie. The final movie in the tirology captivates audiences through the epic return of Batman in post-Joker Gotham City. A new villain arises in Bane, a powerful man with robotic ehancements. Bane, a former member of the League of Shadows under the training of Batman ( Brue Wayne)'s mentor Ras Al Goul. Bane travels to Gotham to destory Gotham City . However,its 8 years since Joker haunted Gotham and Batman saved Gotham. Due to personal conflicts, Wayne vowed not to become Batman anymore and protect the citizens of Gotham. Wayne is retired and resting on his fortune of Wayne Enterprises , but once Bane arrives, he crashes the stock market and wipes all stock in Wayne and Gotham City's wealth. He and his army torture Gotham, leaving only Batman to rise to the occasion. Batman seems up to the task , but his age has slowed his strength and determination. Then along comes the seductive Sylvia Kyle, aka "Catwoman" whose charm and looks mask her strength.  Batman and Catwoman team up to defeat Bane and save Gotham from termination.  Batman finally hangs up his cape and retreats out of the country to live a new life with Ms.Kyle . This leaves time for new heroes to arise and take on the task to protect and defend against evil.


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