Amusement Parks

This past Friday, I went to Kings Dominion. Kings Dominon was pretty fun and I enjoyed the new rides they added to the park, such as the Intimidator. The Intimador is the tallest rollercoaster in the park, measuring to be 305ft and traveling at 94mph. Once i got off the Intimador i wqas dazed and confused on how a ride so high, can travel that fast in a matter of seconds. Kings Dominion certainly found a replacement for former high speed rollercaoster, the Dominator . The Dominator was created about 3 years ago. It measured 160ft at its apex, and traveling at 74mph. Besides the fast rollercaosrer, Ive noticed some fading ones as well, such as the Anaconda and The Rebel Yell. There are pracically no lines when waiting . The ride slow and the drops are very predicatable, I am not even schocked at the drops and loops. Even the rollercoaster operators look bored out of their minds. Overall, Kings Dominon still has great rides but needs to improve on their least amusing rides. I expect nothing but the best from them.


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