Last Chance U on Netflix

With college football coming up in the US in a couple weeks, this new show on Netflix sparks the fire for football again. Last Chance U, with its 6-episode first season, entails a community college, Eastern Mississippi Comunity College, and head coach Buddy Stephens. Stephens and his staff have won multiple NCJAA football titles in the past 10 years , and have resurrected the college careers of former D-1 athletes that come to the school with off the field issues. Stephens and his staff and the athletic tutors look to mold these players and challenge their off the field issues, such as academic failure, crime, drug/alcohol usage and most of these players come from underprivileged backgrounds. The show does an excellent job of interviewing and highlighting these players and giving their stories. In addition, once these players follow this program and achieve their athletic and academic standards, the players have gone on to play in new D-1 college programs, graduate, and potentially head off to the NFL with great life skills. With all that being said, you should check out this show on Netflix, now streaming, and you will be pleasantly surprised. .My rating for this show, 9.5/10

Enjoy and watch this trailer for the show!


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