Captain America: Civil War Review

Well folks, Captain America is back with a new adventure and he and his team, the Avengers, face some serious internal conflicts with one another. Due to the the constant damage from the missions, the Avengers are challenged by the United Nations to be restricted and only defend the world under their supervision with their accords. Iron Man and his team believes this is beneficial and they must sign the accords to help prevent innocent lives from being killed.  However, Captain America and others from the Avengers believe that they should not be under the supervision of the UN and continue their duties as the Avengers. In addition, Cap's friend and the Winter Soldier, Bucky, is still on the loose and Cap makes it his mission to rescue him and try to restore his good nature and not be brainwashed from the Soviet forces Bucky was under during the end of the Cold War.  Iron hates Bucky and wants to kill him due to Bucky's risky behavior and being  a threat to society. Cap is at a dilemma with this also and must challenge Iron Man and his fellow Avengers.  Futhermore, we do see some new characters and familiar ones in the film, such as Black Panther and Spiderman.

Spiderman we all know and love, and this Spiderman, is a lot younger and resembles a true teenager. He is called upon by Tony Stark(Iron Man) to help defeat Captain America and his team. Meanwhile, with Black Panther, he is a new hero and looks to take down Bucky for the suspicion of killing his father.  Overall, the film was well done but a little long, 2 hours and about 40 minutes.  When watching the movie, I almost fell asleep a couple of times from his longevity. I think the film could have been condensed into 2 hours at most.  Other than that, the film is pretty good and sets us up for the new Black Panther and Avengers Movie, set to debut next year and 2018.  Be on the look out for those.  My rating for this film is a 8.7/10

Go see it in theaters now. Enjoy!

P.S. : Here's a preview of what to expect in the theater.

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