John Leguizamo's Ghetto Klown

John Leguizamo, highlighted comedian and actor , chronicles his life and career in his new comedic/dramatic show, Ghetto Klown. He begins with growing up as a ghetto latino kid in Queens, NY , struggling to him his passion in life and make something of himself. Then, through the recommendation by some of his peers and observing his comedic skills and dramatic skills, acting suited well for him. Once he begins acting, Leguizamo realizes that acting is an art-form and his opportunities are contingent upon his performances. He becomes successful and begins to gain notoriety , but must deal with his family, and friends that want to see him fail.  Leguizamo learns to separate himself from his enemies and focus on his career. He also describes the business of Hollywood as an actor and how quickly one can rise and fall.  Overall, it was an honest and entertaining performance.  


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