When was the world going to end again?

It is predicted that Mayans , an ancient civilization located in Central America , thousands of years ago , predicted that on this day , December 21, 2012 , the world as we know it , would tragically come to an end . The world was to have been in this apoctolyptic state . in which the sky would fall, there would be a series of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tsunamis , tornadoes and earthquakes that would transpire simotaneously all around the world. Now , my question is, why? Why would you believe this? Are you people really scared of what some Mayans predicted ? They probably came to the conclusion that the world would end in 2012, because they ran out of space to write on their stone tablets, alongside their polythestic gods that provided their reasons for existence. C'mon people, don't pay attention to everything that you hear. Well, newsflash, the world is not over, people are being born the minute, dying by the minute , and the rest of us are finding our "calling "in life , in which some people classify as "existence".  Good night world, don't disappear because some Mayans told you to.


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