Kids These Days
What do kids want to do with their futures? Will they be what their parents want them to be, such as doctors, lawyers, accountants , or real estate brokers? Will kids live the suburban, wealthy , or "underprivilged" class? Questions like these always ponder inside a child's mind. Personally, i feel that Im pressured to automatically have a career once I graduate college. Let me just experience the fields of study that I desire, and if It isn't successful , I can always work at McDonalds right? Well, I wont work at McDonalds, but Ill be sure to continue to educate myself and go beyond a Bachellor's degree. I really want to stress that to the kids who don't want to continue their education, and drop out of highschool , or college. I know that by that age , one is an adult and can make their own decisions . Most likely a kid without a secondary education will suffer economically and if they choose to have families. Everyone needs a back-up plan , just in case your dreams of being a movie star or pop star does not pan out. Yet, one should keep dreaming and achieve their goals. So , the kids like myself, will have our dreams and our back up plans. Don't worry parents, we won't end up working at McDonalds, you've taught us well.
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